New Utility Service

New Utility Service

In order to set up a new service, the following information must be provided to the Utility department:

Services will be scheduled for connection once the above requirements have been received by the Utility department.

Billing Information

All city utility bills are mailed to residential and commercial customers on the first business day of each month. This bill will include services provided in the prior month. Payments on all accounts are due by the 15th day of the month.

Paying Your Bill

There are four options for paying your utility bill.

  • Pay in person at City Hall - Cash, Check or Debit/Credit Cards with 2.75% fee (+ $.50 if under $100)

  • Pay Online - Go to the Online Bill Payment System 

  • Call to Pay - 806-589-5547

  • Bank Draft - Drafted on the 15th of each month - No fee

Delinquent Bills

All utility billings not received at City Hall within the due date (15th of each month) are considered delinquent, and a late charge of 10% of the total amount shown on the bill will be added to the amount due.

On the 16th day of each month, the city will send a courtesy notice to each account that is past due. This notice will include the balance due and the date and time scheduled for disconnection and termination of city services. However, the failure by the city to send a courtesy notice or the failure of a customer to receive a courtesy notice does not alter the city’s right to disconnect service for nonpayment.

If payment on an account is not received by the 27th day of the month by the city, then all water and sewer services will be scheduled to be disconnected on the 28th of the month (cut-off date). Once a customer’s utilities services are scheduled to be disconnected by being listed on the monthly disconnect list prepared by the city, an administrative reconnect fee of $40 will be charged to the customer’s account. This fee will be charged regardless whether service is disconnected.

Once the full payment is received in full by the city, then the service will be reconnected on the same business day, provided the payment is received no later than 3:00 p.m. If payment is received by the city after 3:00 p.m., then service will be reconnected on the next business day.

Returned Payments / Checks

Any payment that is returned will be assessed a $25 fee. The fee will be charged to the customer’s account. Per city ordinance, no check will be accepted on the account for one year.