Community Center


The Community Center is located at 129 West Main Street and is open to the public for rental for all kinds of functions, such as:

  • Banquets

  • Reunions

  • Parties

  • Dances

  • Conventions

  • Showers

  • Receptions

Rental Fees

The Community Center has 2 different spaces available for rental.  The rental fee depends on the size of space:


  1. Brazos Room (Large Tile Area with Kitchen)

  2. Lone Star Room (Youth Center)

  3. Brazos Room, Lone Star Room & Kitchen (Entire Building)


  1. With full kitchen and restrooms

  2. With restrooms

  3. Includes all spaces and amenities

Max Capacity

  1. 249

  2. 143

  3. 599


  1. $350

  2. $200

  3. $600


  1. $600

  2. $300

  3. $700


To book the Community Center for an event, the Rental Agreement Form(PDF) will need to be completed and returned to City Hall. You may inquire the availability of the Community Center for your next event by calling City Hall at 806-495-2811.


The Post Community Center policies are set by the Post City Council and if any entity has a disagreement with said policies, that disagreement must be first brought to the attention of the Center Director and, if not resolved, to the City Council.  View the complete list of policies (PDF).

After Hours Emergencies

In the event that alcoholic beverages are to be possessed, served and consumed at the Community Center, the Lessee is responsible for securing certified peace officers to be present during the entirety of any event to act as security.

There must be a minimum of two (2) certified peace officers present at all times if the event is invitation only or there are 100 or fewer attendees. 

There must be a minimum of three (3) certified peace officers present at all times if the event is open to the public or more than 100 people are expected to attend. 

Before the key to the Community Center can be issued, the Security Schedule Form (PDF) must be signed by the Sheriff’s department and returned to the City at least 5 days before the event with a paid receipt.